Évaluation fonctionnelle après reconstruction mammaire par lambeau de grand dorsal miniinvasif suite à une chirurgie radicale pour cancer du sein. Étude pilote prospective

Essai clinique

Type : Académique
Statut : Ouvert
Phase : Étude observationnelle
Étape du traitement : Chirurgie
Date d'ouverture : 01/07/2022
Date clôture : 25/11/2025
Promoteur : Centre Georges Francois Leclerc
Progression du cancer: Pas de progression
Résumé :

This study will quantify the muscle function after breast reconstruction using a minimally invasive latissimus dorsi flap.

The proposed measures (clinical, isokinetic, electrophysiology, function and quality of life questionnaires) allow a precise, multidisciplinary, objective evaluation of the capacity of the latissimus dorsi muscle before surgery, 3 months and 6 months after surgery. A function deficit is expected (decreased moment of adduction and internal rotation) 3 months after surgery and a return to the preoperative state 6 months after surgery.

Domaines/spécialités :
  • Cancer du sein
Pathologies :
  • Tumeur maligne du sein - Cim10 : C50
Liens externes :

Critères de population

Sexe : Femme
Age minimum : 18 ans
Age maximum : 80 ans
Critères d’inclusion :
  1. Patient managed for unilateral MR (immediate or secondary) by MSLD after therapeutic mastectomy.
  2. Breast assessment (Mammography + ultrasound +/- breast MRI) normal dating less than 6 months
  3. Age between 18 and 80 years old
  4. Signature of free and informed consent
Critères d’exclusion :
  1. Patient with metastasis or disease progression
  2. Patient whose general condition does not allow her to answer a questionnaire or perform physical and functional measurements (neurocognitive disorders and/or neuro-orthopedic disorders)
  3. Patient with a poor understanding of the French language
  4. Patient having presented a failure of a first breast reconstruction (failure of DIEP, prosthesis removal)
  5. Patient not eligible for MR secondary to cancer (prophylactic mastectomy) or for which the flap was intended to cover loss of substance and not reconstruction
  6. Patient with a history of contralateral MR (all techniques combined)
  7. Patient with a history of contralateral breast cancer
  8. Patient does not have internet access to be able to connect to the "Exolis" software

Centre d'investigation

En cours
Nom : Centre Georges François Leclerc - CGFL
Ville : DIJON (21)
Prénom : Clémentine
Téléphone : Non disponible
Email : cjankowski@cgfl.Fr
Prénom : Sophie
Téléphone : 03 45 34 80 89
Email : sbouzigues@cgfl.fr

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